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What is Energy Alignment Intuition®?

Naomi Gaskin • Jun 17, 2020
Energy alignment intuition means that I listen with my whole being and sense energy and subtle shifts in frequency inside myself and in relationship to you and your energetic signature. In complement, I am listening as a clairaudient sensitive to the space that surrounds us in the interconnected web of reality for your spiritual guides assistance during our session.
Some of us might have an idea when our alignment feels out of sorts or that we feel unclear. There can be times when we might feel that we are looking for a second opinion or another “set of eyes” in the situation that can possibly assist with discovering to help make a slight adjustment, which can allow for a course correction without obstructions. Or offer confirmation.
In order to begin a healing path or continue along the path, the shared alchemy of energetic attunements can provide a safe space to receive the next right message. Together in active co-creation, intuitive energy alignment sessions can offer another perspective.  
However, it can be easy to find ourselves getting in our own way. Due to habits from out past conditioning, we can become stuck, we can feel stubborn about discovering and admitting to ourselves what might be making things in our lives sticky and out of alignment or struggling to make a new choice out of an old pattern.

What are the benefits of seeing an Energy Alignment Intuitive®?

In the process of Energy Alignment Intuitive® sessions, we will work together to co-create a cohesive resonance or a more positive inner harmony so that your internal and external intentions are working together. Coming to understand yourself with coherency and in resonance with your desires.  Can allow you to show up for yourself and others: in the creative ways, in practical ways, in the ways that you value most to move through your life.

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